Dr. Soha Eid
About doctor soha eid

Dr. Soha Eid is the first Egyptian Arab expert to study Chinese Feng Shui and popularize it in the Arab world, renaming it 'Energy of Space' instead of the Chinese term 'Feng Shui.' Dr. Soha is distinguished by her deep expertise in architecture and spatial engineering based on traditional Feng Shui principles and practical applications to enhance the quality of personal and professional life for the inhabitants of a space. Key highlights of her career: ...

The Science of Feng Shui

The science of Feng Shui, or the science of the energy of space, has existed for four thousand years. It was known to the ancient Chinese and in Indian civilization where it is called Vastu. It was also recognized by the Pharaohs, as evidenced by their construction methods, directions, and shapes. The Chinese, ...

About the course

Course Outline Feng Shui or Energy of Space Course with Dr. Soha Eid In this course, we will learn many things about positive decor that will create positive energy for the whole family. The energy of space refers to the invisible pathways in the void created by the shapes, colors, and arrangements in your home, which affect your future, success, and prosperity. That’s why we say, 'This house brings good fortune to its owners,'...

About the book

In this book, we will explain that we live in a Feng Shui world, and that everything around you—from the smallest details related to furniture, decor, and colors to the largest, in architecture and surrounding vistas—has a significant impact on your life, comfort, and happiness. It can either work to enhance your life goals or work against you. By understanding the subtle currents of vital energy that flow around you or through everything that surrounds you in this universe, ...